Thursday, April 12, 2007

Mothers day Thank You Animated cards

Its Mother's Day ? Do you wanna thank your mom ? Its the day when you finally give your mothers Oodles of love and warmth and tell her how much you really love your mom Give meaning to all the emotions that only Mother's deserve it . So on Mothers day it's the time to wish a happy Mothers day with these lovely mothers day animated wishes and cards . Go ahead and thank your mom on her special day

You Will Always Remain Special... With this warm 'Thank You' ecard wish someone close on Mother's Day.
You Will Always Remain Special...
With this warm 'Thank You' Mother's day ecard wish your mom on Mother's Day.
[ Animated ]

Thank You ! Reach out to your loved one with this warm 'Thank You' wish.
Thank You !
Reach out to your mom with this warm 'Thank You' mother wish.
[ Animated ]

Here Comes A Jumbo Thanks... Say 'You are the best' and a warm thank you to your mom/ sis/ aunt/ grandma with this cute ecard.
Here Comes A Jumbo Thanks...
Say 'You are the best Mom"and a warm thank you to your mom/ sis/ aunt/ grandma with cute mothers day ecard.
[ Animated ]

I'm Running Out Of Words ! With a virtual hug, say thank you to your mom for every li'l thing she does.
I'm Running Out Of Words !
With a virtual hug, say thank you to your mom for every li'l thing she does.
[ Interactive ]


Loretta said...

Hi Gerry, Thanks for viewing our blog. Glad to know you have been enjoying our reviews.
Your Mother's Day theme is very nice. Very creative.
Visit again, soon.

amreta said...

Hi Gerry, wow, I'm so impressed that you dedicate such a special blog to Mother's Day! Wonderful! I'm so glad you visited my blog so that I could find my way here.

Have a great weekend!
